Wow! Looks like it has been five years since I last visited this page for a post. Where does the time go? And what have I been doing? Well if you know me, then you know I started planning a move to Hawaii in 2016 after a month long vacation. It took me two years to liquidate my residence in Maryland and Delaware, while working teaching photography and conducting workshops. Toward the end of 2017 I let go of my teaching commitments as my home in Baltimore had sold and my move was imminent. In February of 2018 I made the move. In April of 2018 feeling somewhat settled, I had my first extended stay visitor. 2018 and 2019 was a great time sharing this island with guests. Then 2020 came and the pandemic had stopped all visitors. Now 2021 is bringing relief from the Covid-19 virus as vaccinations are taking place around the country. Travelers are returning to the island. I have had the big camera out several times since I landed here, but never sat down to post. Though I have to confess during the pandemic my iPhone was my go to camera on evening walks for sunsets. Today was different. I took the big camera out and enjoyed once again walking around outside mask off at a car event on Sand Island. While I was there I made a couple images of lone trees on the beach. It was such a beautiful morning! Processing Big Camera images...my 2007 MacBook Pro is just not getting updates on software and apps anymore, though it still works great. So last year I traded up. Now that is 13 years that Macbook pro serviced me for my photography. I am now in the process of getting used to the new Photoshop/Bridge/Lightroom updates on the 2020 laptop. SnapArt4 was the only software that made the conversion, so I have to go shopping for new software plugins. Always a challenge keeping updated.. These two lone tree images were processed with SnapArt4 just for fun. I met a woman today just learning photography and it was great talking with her. I met a man with a D3 who was just out like me shooting because we like to shoot. Honestly it was great to hang and talk with other photographers! New and experienced.
Yes I joined
The Eyes of Hawaii Photography Club. It is a super group of photographers on the east side of the Island. It will be great to get out and participate in events with them, now that some sort of normal life is returning.