This morning 12 members of the Baltimore Camera Club, Barb, Arthur, Suku, Nate, Jim, Karen, Steve, Annette, Buzz, Erroll, Mike and myself met in Ellicott City. It was pretty cold out again but we made out way up Main Street looking for some interesting subject matter.
The windows started drawing us in, with their eclectic mix of merchandise and interesting reflections. Some were shooting reflections and others were shooting into the windows capturing interesting comps with the antique objects. I was just helping folks understand their cameras and helping with compositions. I had my gear with me but since it was a mentoring event and I was a mentor, I felt I should help those that came out in the cold to learn. After walking halfway up Main street, I spotted some leaded windows over a shop window which begged me to get my camera out and see what I could do with that difficult subject. Once the camera was out of the bag I continued making some compositions as the others were now finding their own subjects and were comfortable with their camera settings.
It was a bright blue sky day and there were lots of reflections going on. All these images are multiple shots combined in Photomatix and processed in Photoshop.