Today, I received a call from a photo friend early this morning, to go shooting because the fog had settled in. I really had planned to watch the Macys parade with coffee in the morning, but instead I rallied and out we went. After a ride through Druid Hill Park looking for a photo opportunity, we decided that we would be better off heading back to the county as the fog seemed to be lifting. We drove through Loch Raven and decided our best opportunity was in the Cromwell Valley. We stopped when the tree lined pasture caught my eye. I am really thankful today for all the farms that provide us food! This little blog post is a tribute to the farmers. Even though the farms we photographed are no longer working farms, there is on Sherwood Farm a community vegetable garden, and a horticultural garden center for the community. This area is rich in history and these farms are are beautiful reminders of agriculture in Baltimore County, Maryland. I am very thankful the county purchased the property as park land and the farms will remain.
My childhood memories of this valley, came when my Uncle Bernard purchased an old farm house in Fork, Maryland. Dad drove out Cromwell Bridge Road in the snow at the holidays as the family gathered at Uncle Bernard's farm house. Mom would always comment about the beautiful stone farm houses and pasture land as we rode by. I think it reminded her of her home land, England.
Enough of my rambles, it was a beautiful morning in the valley. Time to eat!
Wonderful way to start Thanksgiving. I love your work - always!!! Thank you!!!