Today, I had a list of garden chores and did none of them! Instead because of the beautiful soft light, I hooked up my camera gear and spent about fours hours playing in the garden. The grass was too wet anyway! That's a good excuse. I composed images and used the in camera image overlay function on an image or two, I opened the Wild Geranium image in raw and moved the clarity slider to the left to get a soft focus impression, the Impression of the Iris buds were made as a swipe and the beautiful apricot oriental peony is a 9 shot multiple exposure made in camera. Oh and, I have now been named the Vice President of the Garden Club in Greenbrier ; - )my neighborhood; in addition to my new work assignment for The John Hopkins Odyssey program in the fall teaching Beginner Digital Photography 1 and Beginner Digital Photography 2 in the continuing education program. I will be working on those class programs over the rest of the summer. The garden has been beautiful with the cool wet spring we have had, it is so green! Enjoy the flowers.
Karen, I am soooooooooo impressed. What a outstanding web site you have. Wonderful examples of your work, in every category, and yes, great restaurant shots.