After a short walk on a trail in the Loch Raven Watershed, amazed at the beauty of fall leaves after an overnight rain, I returned home and started some laundry to pack for the beach. I ran one load and went down to put it in the dryer when I saw the wash tubs were backed up! Uh Oh! After a few minutes in denial, I called Action Plumbing. They routed the main line two years ago. Well, it was the main and it was full or tree roots! That's the hate part, from the very old Willow Oak tree on the front lawn. What a pain, the plumber had to actually take the office toilet out to get to the drain, as a result of some not too thoughtful, renovations in the office years ago the clean out was placed in a very difficult to get to location. . Well a couple hours later I was scrubbing floors and moving furniture around in the office. The good thing is it never overflowed!
So I am late leaving for the beach. Made some images on the walk this morning, when I was loving trees!
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