Today was a great day of shooting in the Fonthill Castle, before it opened to the public. The arrangements had been made in advance by a local photographer. It is not usually available for photographers and there is no flash allowed inside so all the images we made were either straight shots or bracketed shots for processing in Photomatix, as HDR images. A little note on the man who amassed such a fabulous collection and heritage....Between 1908 and 1916, Henry Chapman Mercer built three concrete structures by hand with a small group of laborers: Fonthill as his residence and for his collection of artifacts from around the world, Moravian Tile Works to bring back handmade tile in response to machine made, and the Mercer Museum as a showplace for artifacts of American industriousness (most of the thousands of items were secured by Mercer in the early part of the 20th century, put the collection is always being added to)
Fonthill and Mercer Museum are sister properties and open to the public for tours. They are administered by the Bucks County Historical Society in Doylestown, PA.
It is an amazing structure! I really enjoyed the fun company of some fellow photographers!