It was a great day to be inside at The B&O Train Museum, even though I would have liked to do some shooting in the train yard, there was plenty of material to keep us busy for four hours inside the car yard and the round house. I had a great group of students and we made lots of images. I however did not make one, until the group had left and the Museum was about ready to close. I wanted to spend some time making a few HDR images and a few multiple exposures I had an idea for, but only had time for two time consuming shots, 10 multiples, and five shot HDR in low light takes time...I look forward to my next visit to the museum for some more shots. The folks there are all terrific and have lots of great info on the museum and its fabulous history..not to mention the very cool trains...if you get a chance I do suggest a visit.
Both are nice images, Karen. I went up there for a day last January and found it full of photographic opportunities. The round house is a great place to photograph on a winter's day, when the snow is on the ground outside, as you can work away for hours in comfortable temperatures. There's another large train hall at the back of the site which houses several large, fantastic-looking trains but it's hard to get decent shots of them because they are all cramped in, close up against the walls. Also, it's very dark in there, so each shot takes a long time to make. Definitely worth a return visit...