The alarm went off at 5:30 and I hit snooze twice before getting out of bed. I quickly gathered my gear, which unfortunately I had left my camera inside the house and so it was pretty cool compared to the humid and hot outside air. When ever I do that I believe the sensor condenses and I get a lot of spots on my images. I grabbed my tripod from the car checked the sky, and saw some lightening in the sky in the north and clouds overhead. It had recently rained but I still decided to head for the beach. I was surprised to find the waves a bit smaller than last night and there was some beach left, but it had been carved in spots. There were no tide pools. : - ( The dawn was not terribly colorful, you just never know. I made some images, even a few bracketed shots for processing in Photomatix, and left the beach at 7:30. I like the evening light better on the beach I think. It lights up the waves.
I'll be back out there for sundown tonight if its not raining and might check out the Indian River Inlet during the day, where all the surfers come to surf when the waves are high.
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